Congratulations to the following student presenters for receiving the best student presentation awards at the 2024 Spring BioMed Journal Club:
First Place: Hossein Bahreinizad
Second Place: Karla Mercedes Paz González, Asma Harun
Third Place: Azin Nadi, Shahriar Mostufa, Zhongxi Zhou
The 2024 Spring BioMed Journal Club is a weekly event hosted by the TTU ECE Department every Wednesday from January 31st to April 24th, 2024. This semester's journal club has 10 participating faculty members and 11 PhD student presenters. The main objective of the club is to encourage PhD students to read research papers, improve their academic presentation skills, and broaden their horizons on biosensors, biomedical equipment, and related technologies. Additionally, the club provides an opportunity for faculty members to find potential collaborations and new research ideas.
Looking forward to the 2024 Fall BioMed Journal Club!
