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[70] Nanomaterial-Based Biosensors for SARS-CoV-2 and Future Epidemics
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[68] Giant Magnetoresistance Based Biosensors for Cancer Screening and Detection
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[67] Static and Dynamic Magnetization Responses of Self-Assembled Magnetic Nanoparticle Chains
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Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2023, 127, 37, 18494–18505.
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[65] Flexible Magnetic Field Nanosensors for Wearable Electronics: A Review
Mostufa, S., Yari, P., Rezaei, B., Xu, K., & Wu, K. (2023)
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[64] Static and Dynamic Magnetization Models of Magnetic Nanoparticles: An Appraisal
Yari, P., Chugh, V., Saha, R., Tonini D., Rezaei, B., Mostufa, S., Xu, K., Wang, J.P., & Wu, K. (2023)
Physica Scripta, 98, 082002.
Saha, R., Wu, K., & Wang, J.P. (2023)
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[62] Micromagnetic Stimulation (μMS) Dose-Response of the Rat Sciatic Nerve
Saha, R., Sanger, Z., Bloom, R., Benally, O., Wu, K., Tonini, D., Low, W.C., Keirstead, S., Netoff, T.I., & Wang, J.P. (2023)
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[61] Magnetic Particle Spectroscopy for Point-of-Care: A Review on Recent Advances
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[59] Magnetic Field Detection using Spin-torque Nano-oscillator Combined with Magnetic Flux Concentrator
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[58] Recent Advances in Magnetoresistance Biosensors: A Short Review
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[57] Ultra-Flexible Giant Magnetoresistance Biosensors for Lab-on-A-Needle Biosensing
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[56] GMR Biosensing with Magnetic Nanowires as Labels for the Detection of Osteosarcoma Cells
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[55] Frequency and Amplitude Optimizations for Magnetic Particle Spectroscopy Applications
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Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2023, 127, 1, 450–460
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[45] Large Superparamagnetic FeCo Nanocubes for Magnetic Theranostics
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[41] A Portable Magnetic Particle Spectrometer for Future Rapid and Wash-Free Bioassays
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[54] Feasibility study of magnetic sensing for detecting single-neuron action potentials
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Magnetic particle spectroscopy method and device
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Magnetic Nanoparticles in Nanomedicine.
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Book Chapters
Chapter 2. Micromagnetic Simulation Tools: OOMMF, Mumax3, and COMSOL Multiphysics
Hua, C., Wu, K., & Yu, W.
Wu, K., Wang, J.P. (Ed.). (2024).
Magnetic Nanoparticles in Nanomedicine. Elsevier B.V. ISBN: 9780443216688.
Chapter 3. Physical Methods for the Synthesis of MNPs
Liu, J., Wu, K., & Wang, J.P.
Wu, K., Wang, J.P. (Ed.). (2024).
Magnetic Nanoparticles in Nanomedicine. Elsevier B.V. ISBN: 9780443216688.
Chapter 6. Characterization Methods for Magnetic Nanoparticles
Rezaei, B., Mostufa, S., & Wu, K.
Wu, K., Wang, J.P. (Ed.). (2024).
Magnetic Nanoparticles in Nanomedicine. Elsevier B.V. ISBN: 9780443216688.
Chapter 9. Magnetic Nanoparticles for Neurostimulation
Saha, R., Hopper, M.S., Liang, S., Wu, K., & Wang, J.P.
Wu, K., Wang, J.P. (Ed.). (2024).
Magnetic Nanoparticles in Nanomedicine. Elsevier B.V. ISBN: 9780443216688.
Chapter 10. Magnetoresistive (MR) Biosensor
Liang, S., Wu, K., & Wang, J.P.
Wu, K., Wang, J.P. (Ed.). (2024).
Magnetic Nanoparticles in Nanomedicine. Elsevier B.V. ISBN: 9780443216688.
Chapter 11. Magnetic Particle Spectroscopy (MPS) Biosensor
Chugh, V.K., Wu, K., & Wang, J.P.
Wu, K., Wang, J.P. (Ed.). (2024).
Magnetic Nanoparticles in Nanomedicine. Elsevier B.V. ISBN: 9780443216688.
Wu, K., Su, D., Saha, R., & Wang, J. P.
Luo, J., Wang. K., Yang, M. (Ed.). (2022).
Spintronics: Materials, Devices, and Applications. John Wiley & Sons Limited. ISBN: 9781119698975.
Chapter 13. Magnetic Nanoparticle-based Biosensing
Wu, K., Su, D., Feng, Y., & Wang, J. P.
Thanh, N. T. (Ed.). (2018).
Clinical Applications of Magnetic Nanoparticles. CRC Press. ISBN: 9781138051553.
Rezaei, B., Moni, H.-E., Karampelas, I. H., Sharma, A., Mostufa, S., Azizi, E., Liu, X., Zeng, M., Gómez-Pastora, J., He, R., Wu, K. (2024)
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[85] Magnetic Particle-Assisted Sensing and Magnetic Biosensors
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[84] Roadmap on Magnetic Nanoparticles in Nanomedicine (HOT)
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[81] Micromagnetic Neural Stimulation and Spintronic Neural Sensing
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IEEE. 2024 IEEE International Magnetic Conference (INTERMAG).
[80] Magnetic Particle Spectroscopy (MPS)-Based Bioassays
Wu, K., Chugh, V.K., Krishna, V.D., di Girolamo, A., Wang, Y.A., Cheeran, M.C., & Wang, J.P. (2024)
IEEE. 2024 IEEE International Magnetic Conference (INTERMAG).
[79] Effect of Polymer and Cell Membrane Coatings on Theranostic Applications of Nanoparticles: A Review
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Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2024, 2401213.
[78] Spintronic Devices for Biomedical Applications
Mostufa, S., Liang, S., Chugh, V.K., Wang, J.P., & Wu, K. (2024)
npj Spintronics. 2024, 2, 1, 26.
[77] Advancements and Perspectives in Optical Biosensors
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ACS Omega, 2024, 9, 23, 24181–24202.
[76] Magnetic Nanoparticles for Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI): Design and Applications
Rezaei, B., Tay, Z., Mostufa, S., Manzari, O.N., Azizi, E., Ciannella, S., Moni, H.E.J., Li, C., Zeng, M., Gómez-Pastora, J., & Wu, K. (2024)
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[75] Planar Microcoil Arrays for in vitro Cellular-Level Micromagnetic Activation of Neurons
Saha, R., Benally, O.J., Faramarzi, S., Bloom, R., Wu, K., Tonini, D., Shiao, M., Keirstead, S.A., Low, W.C., Netoff, T.I., & Wang, J.P. (2024) Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 42, 3, 033001.
Liu, X., Sun, J., Shi, Z., Xiu, S., Cui, Y., Hou, Y., Li, R., Wang, N., Zhang, L., Li, X., & Wu, K. (2024)
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024, 24, 6, 7807 - 7815.
Rezaei, B., Yari, P., Sanders, S.M., Wang, H., Chugh, V.K., Liang, S., Mostufa, S., Xu, K., Wang, J.P., Gómez-Pastora, J., & Wu, K. (2024)
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Xin, S., Sun, J., Shi, Z., Li, R., Liu, X., Wang, N., Weaver, J.B., & Wu, K. (2025)
Journal of Applied Physics, 137, 054702.
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IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2025.
Nnokwe, C., Cunningham, C. J., Liu, W., Ye, G., Nguyen, T., Wu, K., Hemesath, C., Sadler, C., Lukashev, P., Zhai, Z., Lv, B., Yan, J.-A., Shand, P. M., Stollenwerk, A. J., & He, R. (2025)
ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2025.
Azizi, E., Mostufa, S., Rezaei, B., Xin, S., Sun, J., Shi, Z., Gomez-Pastora, J., & Wu, K. (2025)
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 58, 135002.
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[89] Effect of Tracer Size Distribution on Magnetic Particle Imaging Performance
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Physica Scripta, 100, 025529.
[88] Printing Rare-Earth-Free (REF) Magnetic Inks: Synthesis, Formulation, and Device Applications
Moni, H.-E., Rezaei, B., Karampelas, I. H., Saeidi-Javash, M., Gómez-Pastora, J., Wu, K. & Zeng, M. (2025)
Nanoscale, 2025.
[87] Ultrasensitive Terahertz Metamaterial Sensor Based on Planar Metal-Insulator-Metal Structure
Liu, X., Sun, J., Shi, Z., Xiu, S., Yang, C., Hou, Y., Xin, S., Li, R., Zhang, L., & Wu, K. (2025)
IEEE Sensors Journal, 25, 3, 4511 - 4519.
Cover Gallery

Journal of Applied Physics 126.18 (2019): 183902.

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52.46 (2019): 465002.

Small 13.22 (2017): 1604135.