Theme 2: Magnetic Imaging

MTJ For MCG (2D Imaging)
The typical field strengths of human MCG signals are 1 - 100 pT, in the frequency range of 0.1- 100 Hz. To measure such a weak magnetic field several problems need to be resolved, such as noise reduction, magnetic shielding, sensing system size, recording spatial resolution, etc. MTJ biosensor (magnetic tunnel junction, one kind of spintronic nanodevice, more sensitive than GMR but less robust), can detect sub-pT magnetic field. In this project, we are transforming the current room-size MCG facility (SQUID) into a palm size flexible sheet containing hundreds of MTJ sensors.
MPI for Small Animal Tumor Imaging (3D Imaging)
Magnetic particle imaging (MPI) has shown great promise in many clinical applications ranging from angiography to cancer theranostics and molecular imaging. This technology exploits the nonlinearity of magnetization curves of MNPs and the fact that their magnetization saturates at some magnetic field strength. It’s also a safer imaging method especially for chronic kidney disease patients for whom iodine contrast agents are toxic.